Friday, February 27, 2009

According to an Australian study, people who took fish oil every day and exercised 3 times a week, lost more bodyfat than those who just exercised.

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Exercise To Fight Poverty!

Eric Harr, a fitness expert, author and professional triathlete has come up with a unique way to make exercise more meaningful. He's joined forces with the humanitarian organization, CARE, to help fight poverty. He's committed to donate $5.00 for every hour you exercise. His mission is to raise awareness about CARE by getting people to workout. You just log the hours you exercise at his website. It's free and he will even provide you with a workout program. A one hour workout could provide a student in a developing country with clean water. 200 hours of exercise could build a home for a natural disaster victim. If you're interested in making your workouts count even more, visit his website

Monday, February 23, 2009

Pump Iron To Boost Your Metabolism

If you're 40 or older, chances are your waistline is getting bigger every year. Unless you are exercising, your metabolism is slowing down. Most of you who want to lose weight will focus on aerobic exercise. Aerobic exercise is important, but it does little to offset the slower metabolism of middle age. Past age 35, most people start losing muscle mass which slows down your metabolism. Weight training not only tones your muscles, but increases your muscle mass which in turn makes your body burn more calories. To rev up your metabolism, include weight training in your routine twice a week.

Sunday, February 22, 2009

How Other Countries Are Fighting Obesity

Obesity has become a worldwide epidemic. In Japan, they are measuring the waistlines of people 40 and older. Those considered too fat are ordered to undergo diet counseling. Failure to slim down results in fines. New Zealand has rules barring people who are too fat from immigrating to their country. In Great Britain, where 50% of the population is overweight, residents in some cities are being recruited to wear an electronic tracking device to calculate how much they move each day and how many calories they burn. Those that exercise daily are rewarded with store coupons and days off from work.
What do you think? Is the U.S. doing enough to fight obesity?
I spoke with someone from Japan who is following my blog. He said:
Surely, Japanese government made a standard about waistline for citizens. But it's not compulsion and no penalty. All of Japanese can take a diagnosis at 40 years old free. I think that purpose is reduction of adult diseases. Therefore,almost all the Japanese think that is healthy standard.

Friday, February 20, 2009

Thursday, February 19, 2009

What You Can Do To Keep Our Planet Healthy

Every object you own has an environmental impact. To lessen the footprint of your material life, choose goods made from green materials.
Recycle your cell phone. Americans throw out more than 125 million cell phones each year, resulting in more than 65,000 tons of waste. Many charities now collect old cell phones, refurbish them and send them to people in need.
Buy local foods. Buying local foods means supporting the local economy and reducing the greenhouse gas emissions required to get food from its origin to your plate.

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

The problems that exist in the world today cannot be solved by the level of thinking that created them.
Albert Einstein

Want To Improve Your Luck?

Ever wondered why some people are just so lucky? In the book, The Luck Factor, psychologist Richard Wiseman says that lucky people generate their luck through four principles. They pay attention to their intuition. They have a resilient attitude when things go wrong. They immediately imagine how much worse the situation could have been and how they can turn that bad luck into good. Lucky people aren't afraid to disrupt daily routines to create more random encounters. And lucky people expect positive outcomes and this attitude makes good things happen. So to improve your luck, trust your instincts, find the good in a setback, maybe shop at a different grocery store and expect good things WILL happen.

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Get Your Kids Moving

Kids are more physically active when you encourage and support them. It really does help with your child's attitude toward exercise. When you participate in a physical activity with your daughter or son, it makes it more fun for them. Reduce the time your kids spend watching TV or playing computer games. Substitute active entertainment such as swimming, biking, bowling, hiking, miniature golf, or going to the zoo. When was the last time you played a game outside with your kids? Remember hopscotch, jump rope, hide and seek? How about just a game of catch with a softball or football?
You can play active games indoors too, such as charades, treasure hunts or even dancing. Just get your kids moving. Who knows, you may even have fun.

Saturday, February 14, 2009

40% of parents are in denial and refuse to admit their child is overweight.

Friday, February 13, 2009

The Do's And Don'ts Of Stretching

To get the most out of your stretching follow these simple tips.
Do stretch 10-15 minutes, 2-3 times a week.
Do repeat each stretch 3 times for best results.
Do get professional help if you have medical limitations.
Do your stretches in a slow, controlled manner.
Don't bounce when stretching. Just hold the stretch for a count of 5.
Don't force a stretch. Just go to the point where you feel pull, not pain.
Don't twist your spine or hyper extend your neck.
Don't hold your breath when you stretch. Long, slow breathing helps the body to relax.

Thursday, February 12, 2009

If 99% of all drugs we possess were thrown in the sea it would be a good thing for the human race, but rather hard on the fishes.
Oliver Wendell Holmes
Lack of exercise is now one of the major risk factors for heart disease.

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Why is it so hard for people to get how important exercise is for their health?

23,000 Big Macs!

There's a guy in Wisconsin who says he's eaten more than 23,000 Big Mac's and he has the receipts to prove it. He says he's eaten a Big Mac every day since 1972. What kind of idiot would eat a Big Mac every day for 37 years? I would like to delve into his psyche!

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

10,000 Steps A Day

The entire town of Broomfield, Colorado is committed to walking 10,000 steps a day. They have given pedometers to people in the community so they can track their steps. They have even posted signs around town to let people know how many steps it is from the parking lot of a business to its front door. Can you imagine what would happen if the whole country did this? Bye Bye Obesity!
Every obstacle conquered, will give you more faith in your own ability.

Monday, February 9, 2009

If you could accomplish one thing this year, what would it be?

Having Trouble Sleeping?

Insomnia can affect not only your energy level but also your health. If you're having trouble sleeping, try this advice.
Go to bed and get up at the same time every day.
Avoid alcohol close to bedtime. Alcohol may help you to fall asleep, but it won't keep you asleep.
Avoid caffeine later in the day. Caffeine can stay in your system up to 14 hours.
Get some sun. Experts recommend exposure to an hour of morning sunlight for people having problems falling asleep.
Keep your bedroom quiet, dark and at a comfortable temperature.
Don't lie in bed awake. If you can't fall asleep within 30 minutes, get up, go to another room and do something else until you feel sleepy.

Sunday, February 8, 2009

We are today the result of our past thinking.

What Are The 6 Germiest Places?

The 6 germiest places are:
your phone
cell phone
TV remote
your desk and keyboard
light switches
your bathroom and kitchen faucets. 
When was the last time you disinfected those places?

Saturday, February 7, 2009

Friday, February 6, 2009

Are You Getting Enough Vitamin D?

More than 1,000 medical studies have been conducted on Vitamin D and they have found that Vitamin D has a wide ranging impact on our health, from reducing our risk of heart disease, colon cancer, breast cancer to lowering our risk of diabetes. About 1/2 of all Americans do not get enough Vitamin D. Vitamin D comes from direct sunlight, fish, fortified dairy and cereal products and supplements. The recommended guideline is 400 I.U. daily ALTHOUGH more and more experts believe we should be getting 1000 I.U. of D daily. You can boost your Vitamin D levels by increasing your sun exposure to 10-15 minutes a day, eating fish and Vitamin D fortified foods and taking supplements.

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

One of the most common causes of failure is the habit of quitting when one is overtaken by temporary defeat.
Napoleon Hill
I would do anything to lose weight, except exercise.
Post Secret

Go To Church, Get Healthy?

The American Cancer Society is joining forces with American churches in preaching the benefits of healthy eating. Their goal is to teach church goers how to take care of the bodies that God gave them. What ever works, right?

Monday, February 2, 2009

Here's The Real Lowdown On Salt!

Excess sodium can elevate your blood pressure raising your risk of heart disease and stroke. The USDA recommends no more than 2400 mg of sodium a day. That is only a teaspoon of salt! Most
people consume between 4,000 and 6,000 mg of sodium daily largely from eating so much processed foods and restaurant foods. Reducing your level of sodium intake to 2400 mg. is important for your health, particularly if you already have high blood pressure or if you're overweight. Focus on fresh foods such as fruits, vegetables and whole grains. They are naturally low in sodium. If you eat processed foods, look for reduced sodium versions.

Sunday, February 1, 2009

As long as you focus on limitation, limitation will be yours.

An Easy Alternative To Weight Training

It doesn't take pumping iron or fancy weight machines to get your body in shape. An easy alternative to weight training is resistance bands. They're light weight exercise cords that resemble over sized rubber bands with handles on each end that allow you to perform muscle toning exercises. You tie or loop the band around a sturdy object like a doorknob or you simply stand on it, grab the handles and then perform many of the exercises you would do with dumbbells or fitness machines. The bands come in different strengths from 5 lbs. to 15 lbs. They're compact, lightweight and are easy to take with you if you travel. Invest in good quality bands to ensure they don't break or lose resistance over time.

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